About us

Welcome to my crazy, hectic and fun life here at U.C. Now where's my manners, let me introduce myself...
I'm Melissa but best known as Mel-Blue. Why the blue? Because once upon a time my hair was a bright shade of blue!! These days though I'm currently rocking a peachy shade of apricot for my locks, I like to change my hair A LOT!
I'm pretty tiny standing at only 5'1'' and would just like to point out I'm still like waaaaay young as I haven't got to the 30 something's yet!! I'm 30 and just wanted to make that clear. Currently living in the beautiful garden of flowers AKA Kent, but I haven't always been here, I'm originally a Geordie girl! I Am also able to say I've been an Essex girl living in Basildon! Let's just say I have one multi meshed up accent!
Living with my long time partner Chris, who I work with daily also!! Yup I hear you all cry and here's that word 'crazy' most couples would say so, but hey it works for us and we wouldn't have it any other way. If we could we'd have our two babies come join us full time at work also.....our Pomeranian dogs Bo and Thor-Bear.
When I do actually get any spare time outside of U.C not only do I try keep my brain active with ideas but my body to.... lifting weights, occasionally getting some pink gloves on for a spot of boxing (whilst wearing lashes of course obviously).
So there you have it, a little insight into my crazy Unicorn life.So now you know a little about me let me introduce you to Unicorn Cosmetics (U.C)
Originally and waaaay back when, we were known simply as Unicorn Lashes, we dealt only within you guessed it - lashes. I actually had a few little experiments before even the lashes thang... but this as we stand now was always my ultimate goal and master plan.
Personally I felt the beauty and make up industry was lacking originality. I wanted to reach into my make up bag and pull out something that people just couldn't help but stare at!! (Ooo that sounds rather rude doesn't it ha!) Beauty, originality and an air of essence. Everything was so samey out there on the market and I wanted to elevate products to a new level if possible? The only way I'd ever know is if I put thoughts to paper and act upon them. So that's exactly what I did! I recruited my nearest and dearest and those that I knew had as just a creative and crazy mind as what I did! Most importantly, those I knew and trusted to work hard...This is where my partner Chris comes in and my two besties Sasha and Daisy.
With my team of now 4, and an ever growing mind storm of ideas between us it wasn't long before our basement felt like we were working out of a matchbox! This is where "the unit" became U.C head quarters. Unicorn Lashes had became a full blown cosmetic company, UC and we welcome all you unicorns to join in and be a part of our journey.....

So what's in store for our ever growing family
here at UC??
As it stands we face a very exciting and extremely busy future........ with new never seen before products in the making and almost ready to be released (your gonna want to get in quick unicorns, its history in the making)
Just to give you a little insight with some mermazing clues, we have an entire set of new high tech make up brushes being released this coming October. Rest assured that you certainly haven't seen anything like these before on a looks prospective as well as the nerdy science side to!! Your make up world is about to be rocked, shaken and possibly tidal waved!!! And your face will be so ever grateful to you for ever after!
And this is just the tip of the unicorn horn... we also have an array of beauty products in the making... Lip-glosses that you'll NEVER want to share on your unicorn nights out in the ladies restrooms, highlighters that will enhance those cheek bones so much that Kylie Jenner will be put to shame, and eyeliners that any eye lid and shaky hand will be able to master like a cat eyed ninja!!
Our market is broadly increasing around the world, and soon UC will be a global household name, or at least this is our fairy-tale dream that we hope to make reality.
Love as always unicorns, without you all we wouldn't be the Unicorny Mermaids we are today ... xx