Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I’ve done nothing for valentines,
What the fuck do I do!
Crap. It’s Valentines Day.

It was definitely New Year two minutes ago and now February the 14th has crept right up and bit you on your peachy ass. Bae seems to be planning some cool shit but here you are sat on the morning of the day of ‘lurrrrrv’ with zero planned and zero gifts on your behalf. The bank account is screaming ‘PLEASE NO MORE’ after the wild end of dry Jan celebrations and panic mode sets in. How do you do something worthy for that special someone, without going into too much debt, as well as minimal time.
Well doll, as always we got ‘yo’ back not only in the beauty department but the life department too, and we’ve got a sexy lil list prepared for you to save Valentines Day if you ain’t been prepared!

- Chocolates
So gal, lets get this started with the basics, coz nothing says I love you more than a giant bar of Diary Milk. You can pick up one of these bad boys for a few quid, and what’s ever better is that you can pretend it’s just for bae, then steal a square or twenty when he cracks it open. Girl gotta’ eat!

- Cute Card
Why not take a ride down the more sentimental route and grab yourself a cute Valentines Day card. Pick one with the biggest heart you can find on the front, write something hella cute inside, and girl you are good to go. It’s a classic but a must do. (You might even get the waterworks going).

- Scrapbook
Let’s get crafty gurl, grab yourself some glue and scissors and make bae a lil memoir full of your sexy face and maybe the odd pic of him in there too. It’s probably one of the cheapest but best presents you could get, and what’s even better is that it can literally be done in ten minutes! Document all the cute times you’ve spent together, and if paired up with the card then hell gurl, you’re going to have a blubbering boo on your hands.

- Lingerie
Who said you can’t get something for the both of you????
Why not treat yo’self to some sexy new lingerie, and give him something hella’ nice to look at too. Get lacy and racy for the best of both worlds. Plus, it’s always easier to part with money when you benefit too. Am I right?

The Valentines panic might now be over, but this day isn’t all about getting the best presents or going on the best trips. Make sure to show who’s important to you just how much you love them. Whether it’s giving them a big snog, squeezing their bum or hugging them till they can’t breath, this day is all about you and bae. And even if you’ve booked a lavish trip or just bought them a big bar of chocolate, everyone is having as much of a perfect day as the next.
Happy loving!